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This agreement is for all parties involved.


"GCK" requires a minimum of $300 deposit to hold your pick with remaining balance due when pups are 8 weeks. Deposits are non-refundable. I only take 3 deposits on males and 3 deposits on females per litter until pups are born. At 8 weeks all arrangements should be determined for pick up. All pups must be picked up between 10 and 12 weeks old. No exceptions.


Below are questions that need answered. I reserve the right to refuse the sale of one of my pups due to info pertained on this application or through social media accounts that is public knowledge based on what I perceive as a disqualification. 


These dogs are not for any illegal purposes of any kind. Please go elsewhere if this is or might be your intentions.



  • Print Full Name

  • Email Address

  • Address:

  • Contact Number

  • Do you own property or have access to a safe secure outdoor area? If not, how will you exercise the dog?

  • Do you currently have any other pets?  (How many, Breed, age, sex, spayed/neutered)

  • Are you a breeder?

  • Have you have ever taken a pet to the animal shelter? If yes, what were the circumstances?

  • Have you ever owned a Pit Bull before?

  • Will the puppy be an inside dog?

  • Are there children in the family? What are their ages?

  • Do all the adults in the household agree on getting a puppy?

  • Do you prefer a male or female?  

  • Do you plan on spaying/neutering?

  • If you cannot keep a puppy you purchased from"GCK" for any reason, it MUST be returned.  Is this acceptable to you?

  • Your plans for the dog?

    • Show

    • Breeding

    • Catch Dog

    • Pet Only

  • Are you over 18? 

  • How did you hear about us?

    • Dog Show

    • Other breeders  

    • Other

                                                                   SIGN HERE                                                                 

Payment Methods

- Cash
- Major Credit/Debit cards 

- Zelle

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